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Victor M. Eskew
If an individual is going to become a Christian, he must obey the truth of the gospel. If a person is going to obey the truth of the gospel, someone must first teach him the gospel (See Rom. 10:13-17). The one who does the teaching is usually a child of God. We say this because it could be a tract or simply the Bible itself sometimes.
Many children of God, however, have never taught a lost person how to be saved. This is concerning in light of John 15:8. Jesus said: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” The Father wants us to bear “much fruit.” If we haven’t born any that is truly concerning.
One of the main reasons Christians do not teach others is because they do not know how to get a Bible study with someone else. In this article, let’s talk about some ways to begin Bible studies with other people. The first way is the simplest way of all. Just ask. We all have friends and associates that we see on a regular basis. As we are talking to them, we can say: “Would you mind if I ask you a question?” Most will not mind at all. It is then that we ask: “Would you study the Bible with me?” What is the worst response you can get from them? The worst response is a simple: “No.” If you have twenty friends and family members, you might get twenty “No’s.” But, you might also get one or two Yeses. If they say, “Yes,” then all you have to do is establish a day of the week to get together. When you get to their house, it is your job to have a starting point for the study. This is where the teacher needs to have a grasp on a Bible study method: The Open Bible Study, The Jule Miller DVDs, the Fishers of Men Bible Study, etc.
Another way of beginning a Bible study is by asking questions to your religious friends. You might ask them some questions about their religious choices. “Do you attend worship services anywhere?” “Where do you go to church services?” “Why do you attend the church you do?” “Can you tell me something about how your worship services are conducted?” As they speak, you listen closely to their answers. When you hear comments that differ from the teachings of Scripture, you might confront them. “So, you do not partake of the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week?” “Did you know that we do not use instruments of music in worship in the churches of Christ?” “Where does the Bible teach that it is okay to have women speak in the assembly?” Sometimes these questions get individuals upset. Sometimes they cause individuals to study in more depth. Sometimes they allow you to bring further information to them by means of tracts or CDs of lessons.
Another simple way to attempt a Bible study is to mail some of your friends and relatives a Bible Correspondence Course. There are several that can be used. Mail the course to them with instructions and a self-addressed envelop so they can return the answers to you. Tell them that you will grade the first course and send it back to them along with the next lesson. Some people like studying in this matter. Tell them to ask any questions they have about the lesson. You will answer their questions and return them with the next course. You might be surprised to find that one or two out of twenty or thirty people might be willing to study with you this way.
Another way to get a study is by asking your friends a simple question. “Is there any topic or verse in the Bible that you do not understand?” There are many people who have attempted to read the Bible. Some of these individuals are not members of any church. If you ask them this question, they might just inform you of something that concerns them. You now have an opportunity to gather information to give to them. Too, you might be able to set up a time to meet with them to discuss the topic further.
One way to speak to people you do not know is to show them a card with three questions on it. Ask them to pick the question that interests them the most. The questions can be very broad. “Did God create the world in six, twenty-four hour days?” “Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?” “Are we living in the Last Times?” When they pick a question, ask them: “Why did you pick that question?” Then ask: “What do you already know or believe about question?” Be ready to have a verse or two to show them that helps to answer the question they have chosen. You may be able to leave them a tract that discusses the question in more detail.
Another way of getting a Bible study is to actively engage another in Bible study. Some might wonder what this means. Once you know an individual, take a passage of Scripture to them and ask: “What is this passage trying to teach us?” If the person needs a little time to study the text, that is fine. They may have an answer immediately. Take note of the answer. You do not have to respond to their answer immediately, especially if the answer is incorrect. You can come back at another time, and say: “I have been considering what you said about the verse we talked about. Let me ask you a question or two about your answer.” Hopefully, you can slowly direct the individual’s thoughts toward the truth and away from error.
There are hundreds of ways to get a Bible study. All we have to do is be creative in our attempts. Some may work. Some may not. It is about learning to be natural and conversational in our approach. The best way to do this is to do it over and over and over again. We cannot let fear stop us. Souls are at stake.
Hey, let me ask you: “What do you think the Bible is God’s Word?”