OceanSide church of Christ
The Oceanside Church of Christ is a growing, friendly church. In fact, that is the impression most visitors take from their visit. Many new members have been added and most become an active part of the ongoing program of work. We are a diverse congregation that reflects the fact that God's church is for all people. The audience will range in age from newborn babies (a nursery is available, by the way), to those who have seen more than eighty years pass. Educationally, we have those with doctor's degrees and those who have not spent much time in school. Most fall in the category of high school graduates to college bachelor's degrees. Professionally, there are those from all walks of life - blue and white collar to students from elementary to college age and retirees. We have business owners, plant workers, nurses, educators, office workers, welders, carpenters, policemen, firemen, and many military families, along with everything in between.
Some may feel a little apprehensive about visiting a church the first time. Let us ease that feeling by explaining a little about how the services are conducted. Every effort is made to allow visitors to feel comfortable. You will not be singled out in any way. You will not be asked to make a "love offering", in fact, no collection will be taken at all except during the 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday services when our members make their weekly offering as an act of worship. As a visitor, you are not expected to give an offering.Our services generally open with a brief welcome. The song leader then leads the congregation in singing without instrumental accompaniment. An opening prayer is offered, followed by more singing and then the preacher delivers a sermon from the Bible. All are encouraged to bring their Bibles and follow along during the study period. At the end of the sermon, the Lord's invitation is extended. There is no coercion or embarrassing displays. Each Sunday, the first day of the week, Communion is served in remembrance of the death of Christ, and Christians may participate at the morning or evening worship service, whichever is convenient. The service concludes with a song and a closing prayer. Visitors may sit silently through the service, or they may participate to the degree they feel comfortable.
We are conveniently located at 1025 Snug Harbor Court in Atlantic Beach, Florida. The Lord has blessed us with a comfortable building that will seat over 200. There are free study materials available for you to take home and age appropriate Bible classes at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening.This is the perfect time to make that visit you've been thinking about!
The Elders