OceanSide church of Christ

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Ecclesiastes 7:19 – Wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city.


Thought:  It is very hard for man to comprehend how powerful the wisdom of God is.  Those who possess it have a strength that cannot be matched by the strength of ten mighty men.  In ancient days, strong men were highly sought after and honored.  They were vital to the well-being of a city.  Wisdom, however, towers above physical, human strength.  Those who have divine wisdom are empowered by the strength of the Almighty God.  Again, such power is hard for us to understand.


Proverbs 21:22




A.     None of us would disagree with the first part of Solomon’s statement:  “Wisdom strengtheneth the wise.”

1.       The “wisdom” about which Solomon writes is divine wisdom.

a.  It is the only wisdom that is true.

b.  It is the only wisdom that is enduring.

c.  It is the only wisdom that comes from the mind of God.

2.       There is strength in that wisdom.

a.  Strength to do more than the ordinary.

b.  Strength to overcome the adversary.

c.  Strength to meet the challenges and obstacles of life and of any endeavor.

d.  Strength the endure when others will give up.


B.      It is the second part of the verse that is difficult for us as humans to comprehend:  “…more than ten mighty men which are in the city.”

1.       Qualities of mighty men.

a.  Mighty men were physically large and extremely powerful.

b.  These men were warriors, skilled in all types of warfare.

c.  They were hired to protect kings.  (Ex., David had his mighty men, 2 Sam. 23:8-39).

d.  These men were hired by cities to protect them from evil doers.

e.  NOTE:  Fear was not in the vocabulary of mighty men.

2.       Solomon reveals that those who possess the wisdom of God are more powerful than ten mighty men.  They are not more powerful than one.  They are more powerful than ten.

a.  The power of God’s wisdom is difficult for us to comprehend.

b.  The wisdom of God is empowered by the strength and might of the Almighty God.

                        1)  Ecclesiastes 9:16, 18


Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength…Wisdom is better than weapons of war…


                        2)  Proverbs 21:22


A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.


3.       Question: 

a.   How many Christians have truly spent the time and energy needed to acquire the

      wisdom of God? 

b.  How many of us doubt the importance of God’s wisdom?

c.  How many of us completely reject the thought that Solomon sets before us? 




Ecclesiastes 7:20 – For there is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.


Thought:  One of the things that makes all men equal is sin.  “For all have sinned.”  It is interesting that many will admit this but turn around and believe they are good.  In fact, some are so good they do not believe they need God.  Good is not equal to sinless.  And, as long as a person has sin, he is really not that good.  That “good” person stands in need of the cleansing blood of Christ.  Man needs to quit believing he is good and realize that he is a sinner.  Then, he will turn to Jesus for salvation.


Romans 3:12




A.     There are different types of men who live on the earth.

1.       Some are mean and cruel and unjust.

2.       Others are kind and nice and just.


B.      But, even though a man falls into the “nice” category, this does not mean that he is good and does not sin.  Solomon says that such a man does not exist “upon the earth.”

1.       Jesus taught that there is only one “good” being who exists, that is, God (Matt. 19:16-17).


And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?  And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good?  there is none good, but one, that is God…


2.       There is not a man on earth who is sinlessly perfect (Rom. 3:23).


For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.


C.     Many people want to believe that they are good (See Luke 18:11-12).


The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.  I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.


1.       What is the standard they use to hold to such a belief? 

2.       God is the true standard.

3.       When we are compared to God, we are not that good at all.

4.       NOTE:  Men need to quit believing that they are good.  They need to realize they are sinners and turn to God for His forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ.














Ecclesiastes 7:21 – Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee.


Thought:  Everyday millions of words are spoken by individuals.  Some of the things said are true.  Some are ridiculous.  Some are completely false.  Some are valuable.  Some have no value at all.  Sadly, some are consumed with hearing words.  They are like sponges.  They eagerly wait to hear the latest gossip.  Solomon advises against this.  He says:  “Take no heed.”  If we do, it could be that we ultimately hear words that have been uttered against us by one close to us.  Be careful what you hear.


Proverbs 20:19




A.     There are 8 billion people on the earth.  Unless they are asleep, they are often speaking words.


B.      Many of these words concern other individuals. 

1.       Sometimes those words are good; sometimes those words are not good.

2.       Sometimes the words are true; sometimes the words are false.


C.     Sadly, these 8 billion people also have two ears a piece.  Thus, they are listening to many of the things that are said about others. 


D.     Solomon gives this counsel to those whose ears are eager to hear words that spring from the lips of other individuals.  “Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken…”

1.       Many of the words we hear have passed through the minds and lips of a multitude of people.

2.       The messages are not from eyewitnesses.  The messages are nothing more than hearsay. 

3.       If we listen to these things, we might believe lies.  Too, if we pass them on to others, we become the spreader of lies.


E.      Solomon also warns of something that might happen to us if we continue to listen to “all words that are spoken.”  It might be that we hear that our own servant has cursed us.

1.       Cursed

a.  Strong (7043):  to make light, to bring into contempt

b.  BDB:  to be slight, to be trite, to be of little account, to be insignificant

c.  Barnes:  to make light of thee, speak evil of thee

2.       If we listen long enough to the words of others, we may be the subject of the message.

a.  The message may come from someone close to us such as a servant.

b.  The message may be one that holds us in derision.

3.       NOTE:  Had we not been listening to all of the gossip, this information may have never come to our ears.  Our lives would have remained calm and peaceful without this negative information.

4.       These kinds of things hurt the heart, make us angry, and destroy relationships.

5.       We wonder:  “How could he/she have said such a thing about me?”  This is especially true if the person is a family member or a friend.


F.      LESSON:  The Bible teaches us that listeners have as many responsibilities as do those who talk.