OceanSide church of Christ
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Thought: The fact that we are living should cause us to live wisely. Right now we have hope. Right now we have the ability to develop our character, to love others, to serve others, and to please our heavenly Father. We can know the truth. We can repent of sins. We can worship and praise our God. Yes, we are alive. Keep in mind: “A living dog is better than a dead lion.” Dear readers, make something of your life while you are alive.
Isaiah 38:18
A. Which animal is more powerful? A dog? Or, a lion?
1. The answer is “a lion.”
2. If most had a choice, they would rather be a lion than a dog.
3. But, a living dog is better than a dead lion.
4. Isaiah 38:18
For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.
B. The fact that we are alive brings us unbelievable benefits regardless of our station in life. “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope.”
1. We have the ability to develop our character.
2. We have the ability to gain education and experience.
3. We have the ability to love and serve others.
4. We have the ability to please our heavenly Father.
5. We can know the truth.
6. We can repent of our sins and receive God’s forgiveness.
7. We can worship and praise our God.
8. We can heal broken relationships.
9. We can do things that will make our lives count for something.
10. We can be a positive example to other people.
C. Yes, a living dog is better than a dead lion.
D. Solomon is exhorting us to make something of our lives while we are still alive.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 – For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Thought: One of the blessings of being alive is knowing that one day you will die. While we are living, we can plan for death. We do not have to step out into eternity unprepared. The dead do not have this ability. Their destiny is sealed. Sadly, over time, their memory fades in the minds of the living. If you are reading this, you are alive. Count your blessings. Prepare yourself. Be ready for your death.
Job 30:23
A. One of the blessings those who are living possess is the knowledge that they shall die.
1. The living can plan for death.
2. Not one living human being has to step out into eternity unprepared.
3. Unfortunately, many still do. These individuals are truly foolish.
B. For those who have already died, there is another story.
1. They know not anything that is transpiring in this life.
2. They do not have any more reward.
a. Life involves a series of rewards to the living: a paycheck, a good meal, rest, the
enjoyment of friends and family, a vacation, possessions, etc.
b. When a person dies, those rewards are no longer forthcoming.
3. In addition, the memory of the dead is forgotten.
a. Grandchildren often do not know their grandparents very well.
b. They certainly do not return to their gravesites with their children to remember them.
c. The names of a person’s great grandparents are usually not known.
d. Just a few years pass and the dead are forgotten.
e. How many people are presently in graves that no one even know exist?
Ecclesiastes 9:6 – Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished: neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.
Thought: Upon one’s death, there is a transition of the spirit from the realm of the living to the unseen realm of the dead. At that moment, everything changes. The individual is in a different place. Even their emotions change. The love, hatred, and envy they experienced here are not valid there. Why? The things that brought forth these emotions have been left behind. Upon one’s death, he will never have “any more portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.” There is no coming back.
Job 3:17-20
A. When a person dies, there is a transition that takes place.
1. The spirit separates from the body (James 2:26).
2. The presence of the individual is no longer found on earth.
a. He is transported into the unseen realm of the dead.
b. He is transported into the hadean realm.
c. He is transported into a realm that is eternal in nature.
B. “Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished.”
1. Man is an emotional being.
a. There are four primary emotions: mad, sad, glad, and anger.
b. Within these categories there are hundreds of other emotions.
2. It is the things of this earth that trigger these emotions.
3. Thus, when a man leaves this earth, the things he/she had been experiencing perish.
a. Friends and family whom we loved are not there.
b. The individuals we envied because of their luxurious lifestyle are not there.
c. Our enemies who enraged our hatred are not there.
C. The dead have “no more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.”
1. Anyone who has left us has never been involved again in our physical lives.
2. A person closes his eyes in death and departs from this world forever.