OceanSide church of Christ

1. Genesis, Introduction
2. Genesis 1, God, The Powerful Creator
3. Genesis 2, Eden and Eve, God's Gifts to Man
I. Title of Chapter 2: EDEN & EVE: GOD’S GIFTS TO MAN
II. Key Verse of Chapter 2: Genesis 2:8
III. Outline of Chapter 2
IV. Lessons from Chapter 2
4. Genesis 3, The Enemy Invade the Garden
I. Title of Genesis 3
II. Key Verse: Genesis 3:6
III. Outline of Genesis 3
IV. Lessons from Genesis 3
5. Genesis 4, Cain, A Lineae Departs from God
I. God holds men accountable for his actions and punishes his sins (Gen. 4:11-12).
6. Genesis 5, From Adam to Noah, Ten Generations
I. Title of Genesis 5
II. Key Verse: Genesis 5:5
III. Outline of Genesis 5
IV. Lessons from Genesis 5
7. Genesis 6, If Not for One Man
I. Titles for Genesis 6
II. Key Verse for Genesis 6
III. Outline of Genesis 6
IV. Lessons from Genesis 6
8. Genesis 7, The Waters of the Flood
I. The Title of Genesis 7
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 7: Gen. 7:17-18
III. The Outline of Genesis 7
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 7
9. Genesis 8, And the Lord Remembered Noah
I. The Title of Genesis 8
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 8: Genesis 8:14-16
III. Outline of Genesis 8
IV. Lessons from Genesis 8
10. Genesis 9, Promises and Problems for Noah
I. Title of Genesis 9
II. Key Verse for Genesis 9: Genesis 9:28
III. Outline of Genesis 9
IV. Lessons from Genesis 9
11. Genesis 10, From Three Came Seventy-Two
I. Title of Genesis 10
II. Key Verse of Genesis 10: Genesis 10:32
III. Outline of Genesis 10
IV. Lessons from Genesis 10
12. Genesis 11, Babel and Begettal
II. KEY VERSE OF GENESIS 11: Genesis 11:8
13. Genesis 12, A Patriarch's Faith and Fear
14. Genesis 13, Land Rights
I. The Title of Genesis 13
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 13: Genesis 13:14-15
III. The Outline of Genesis 13
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 13
15. Genesis 14, Abram Blessed Again
I. Title of Genesis 14
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 14: Genesis 14:18-19
III. The Outline of Genesis 14
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 14
16. Genesis 15, He Believed in the Lord
I. The Title of Genesis 15
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 15: Genesis 15:6
III. The Outline of Genesis 15
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 15
17. Genesis 16, Go In unto My Maid
I. The Title of Genesis 16
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 16: Genesis 16:2
III. The Outline of Genesis 16
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 17
18. Genesis 17, Covenant Expounded
I. The Title of Genesis 17
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 17: Genesis 17:19
III. Outline of Genesis 17
IV. Lessons from Genesis 17
19. Genesis 18, Divine Visitor Brings News
I. The Title of Genesis 18
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 18: Genesis 18:1-2
III. The Outline of Genesis 18
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 18
20. Genesis 19, Judgment by Fire
I. The Title of Genesis 19
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 19: Gen. 19:24-25
III. The Outline of Genesis 19
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 19
V. Man-made schemes are often fabricated from false assumptions (Gen. 19:31).
X. We learn one of the dangers of alcohol. It causes one not to know what he is doing (Gen. 19:33).
21. Genesis 20, Deeds That Ought Not To Be Done
I. The Title of Genesis 20
II. Key Verse of Genesis 20: Genesis 20:9
III. The Outline of Genesis 20
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 20
22. Genesis 21, Strained Relationships
I. The Title of Genesis 21
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 21: Genesis 21:11
III. The Outline of Genesis 21
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 21
23. Genesis 22, Abraham Passes with Flying Colors
I. The Title of Genesis 22
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 22: Genesis 22:9-10
III. The Outline of Genesis 22
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 22
24. Genesis 23, Abraham Buries Sarah His Wife
I. The Title of Genesis 23
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 23: Genesis 23:19
III. The Outline of Genesis 23
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 23
25. Genesis 24, She, Rebekah, Became His, Isaac's, Wife
I. The title for Genesis 24
II. Key Verse of Genesis 24: Genesis 24:58
III. Outline of Genesis 24
IV. Lessons from Genesis 24
26. Genesis 25, Abraham Departs and Isaac Stands Out
I. The Title of Genesis 25
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 25: Genesis 25:7-8
III. The Outline of Genesis 25
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 25
27. Genesis 26, Isaac Moves Three Times
I. The Title of Genesis 26
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 26: Genesis 26:3-4
III. The Outline of Genesis 26
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 26
28. Genesis 27, Not My Blessing Too
I. The Title of Genesis 27
II. Key Verse of Genesis 27: Genesis 27:35
III. Outline of Genesis 27
IV. Lessons from Genesis 27
29. Genesis 28, Isaac's Order and Jacob's Dream
I. The Title of Genesis 28
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 28: Genesis 28:10
III. The Outline of Genesis 28
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 28
30. Genesis 29, Leah and Rachel
I. The title of Genesis 29
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 29: Genesis 29:16-18a
III. The Outline of Genesis 29
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 29
31. Genesis 30, Jacob's Increase
I. The Title of Genesis 30
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 30: Genesis 30:25-26
III. The Outline of Genesis 30
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 30
32. Genesis 31, Jacob Flees from Laban
I. The Title of Genesis 31
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 31: Genesis 31:20-21
III. The Outline of Genesis 31
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 31
33. Genesis 32, Brother by Day, Wrestler by Night
I. The title of Genesis 32
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 32: Genesis 32:28
III. Outline of Genesis 32
IV. Lessons from Genesis 32
34. Genesis 33, Jacob Finds Grace in Esau's Sight
I. The Title of Genesis 33
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 33: Genesis 33:3-4
III. The Outline of Genesis 33
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 33
35. Genesis 34, Dinah's Defilement
I. The Title of Genesis 34
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 34: Genesis 34:7
III. The Outline of Genesis 34
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 34
36. Genesis 35, To Bethel and Beyond
I. The Title of Genesis 35
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 35: Genesis 35:11-12
III. The Outline of Genesis 35
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 35
37, Genesis 36, The Generations of Esau
I. The Title of Genesis 36
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 36: Genesis 36:1
III. The Outline of Genesis 36
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 36
38. Genesis 37, Joseph, From Loved Son to Lowly Slave
I. The Title of Genesis 37
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 37: Genesis 37:19-20
III. The Outline of Genesis 37
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 37
V. Jacob was the third innocent victim. He refused to be comforted. Some hurts hardly ever heal (Gen. 37:35).
X. God providence can turn bad experiences in a positive direction without our knowledge of it (Gen. 37:36).
39. Genesis 38, Judah Fathers Twins by Tamar
I. The Title of Genesis 38
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 38: Genesis 38:14
III. The Outline of Genesis 38
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 38
I. One of the goals of the grief process is to reach a point of comfort and to joyfully return to one’s daily routine (Gen. 38:12b).
40. Genesis 39, From Potipher's House to Prison
I. The Title of Genesis 39
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 39: Genesis 39:20
III. The Outline of Genesis 39
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 39
I. All of God’s faithful can resist temptation (Gen. 39:8a).
41. Genesis 40, Joseph, The Interpreter of Dreams
I. The Title of Genesis 40
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 40: Genesis 40:8
III. The Outline of Genesis 40
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 40
I. Some dreams can speak of favorable consequences (Gen. 40:12-13).
42. Genesis 41, Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
I. The Title of Genesis 41
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 41: Genesis 41:39-40
III. The Outline of Genesis 41
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 41
I. God is in control of this world (Gen. 41:25).
43. Genesis 42, Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt for Grain
I. The Title of Genesis 42
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 42: Genesis 42:6
III. The Outline of Genesis 42
IV. The Lessons from Genesis 42
I. As the oldest, Reuben tries to take responsibility and give assurance to his father (Gen. 42:37).
44. Genesis 43, Benjamin Also Comes into Joseph's Presence
I. The Title of Genesis 43
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 43: Genesis 43:29
III. The Outline of Genesis 43
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 43
I. The good actions of others can be perceived as evil (Gen.43:18).
45. Genesis 44, Benjamin Accused; Judah Appeals
I. The Title of Genesis 44
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 44: Genesis 44:12
III. The Outline of Genesis 44
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 44
I. An honorable man will keep his word.
46. Genesis 45, Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
I. The Title of Genesis 45
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 45: Genesis 45:3-4
III. The Outline of Genesis 45
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 45
I. Joseph’s brothers were eyewitnesses that Joseph was alive and that he had risen to a high position in Egypt (Gen. 45:12-13).
47. Genesis 46, The Seeds of A Nation Enter Egypt
I. The Title of Genesis 46
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 46: Genesis 46:2-3
III. The Outline of Genesis 46
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 46
I. A forerunner can often make transitions much smoother (Gen. 46:28).
48. Genesis 47, Jacob in the Land of Goshen
I. The Title of Genesis 47
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 47: Genesis 47:5-6
III. The Outline of Genesis 47
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 47
49. Genesis 48, Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons
I. The Title of Genesis 48
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 48: Genesis 48:5
III. The Outline of Genesis 48
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 48
I. Grandparents love to hug and kiss their grandchildren (Gen. 48:10b).
50. Genesis 49, Jacob's Last Words and Blessings
I. The Title of Genesis 49
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 49: Genesis 49:28-29
III. The Outline of Genesis 49
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 49
I. Jacob reveals where he wants to be buried to all of his sons (Gen. 49:29-32).
51. Genesis 50, Beyond Jacob's Death
I. The Title of Genesis 50
II. The Key Verse of Genesis 50: Genesis 50:14
III. The Outline of Genesis 50
IV. The Lessons of Genesis 50
I. There are some who fear retaliation and revenge from those they have wronged (Gen. 50:15).
The Book of Genesis
1. Genesis, Introduction
2. Genesis 1, God, The Powerful Creator
3. Genesis 2, Eden and Eve, God's Gifts to Man
4. Genesis 3, The Enemy Invade the Garden
5. Genesis 4, Cain, A Lineae Departs from God
6. Genesis 5, From Adam to Noah, Ten Generations
7. Genesis 6, If Not for One Man
8. Genesis 7, The Waters of the Flood
9. Genesis 8, And the Lord Remembered Noah
10. Genesis 9, Promises and Problems for Noah
11. Genesis 10, From Three Came Seventy-Two
12. Genesis 11, Babel and Begettal
13. Genesis 12, A Patriarch's Faith and Fear
14. Genesis 13, Land Rights
15. Genesis 14, Abram Blessed Again
16. Genesis 15, He Believed in the Lord
17. Genesis 16, Go In unto My Maid
18. Genesis 17, Covenant Expounded
19. Genesis 18, Divine Visitor Brings News
20. Genesis 19, Judgment by Fire
21. Genesis 20, Deeds That Ought Not To Be Done
22. Genesis 21, Strained Relationships
23. Genesis 22, Abraham Passes with Flying Colors
24. Genesis 23, Abraham Buries Sarah His Wife
25. Genesis 24, She, Rebekah, Became His, Isaac's, Wife
26. Genesis 25, Abraham Departs and Isaac Stands Out
27. Genesis 26, Isaac Moves Three Times
28. Genesis 27, Not My Blessing Too
29. Genesis 28, Isaac's Order and Jacob's Dream
30. Genesis 29, Leah and Rachel
31. Genesis 30, Jacob's Increase
32. Genesis 31, Jacob Flees from Laban
33. Genesis 32, Brother by Day, Wrestler by Night
34. Genesis 33, Jacob Finds Grace in Esau's Sight
35. Genesis 34, Dinah's Defilement
36. Genesis 35, To Bethel and Beyond
37, Genesis 36, The Generations of Esau
38. Genesis 37, Joseph, From Loved Son to Lowly Slave
39. Genesis 38, Judah Fathers Twins by Tamar
40. Genesis 39, From Potipher's House to Prison
41. Genesis 40, Joseph, The Interpreter of Dreams
42. Genesis 41, Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
43. Genesis 42, Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt for Grain
44. Genesis 43, Benjamin Also Comes into Joseph's Presence
45. Genesis 44, Benjamin Accused; Judah Appeals
46. Genesis 45, Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
47. Genesis 46, The Seeds of A Nation Enter Egypt
48. Genesis 47, Jacob in the Land of Goshen
49. Genesis 48, Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons
50. Genesis 49, Jacob's Last Words and Blessings
51. Genesis 50, Beyond Jacob's Death
52. Summary of Genesis by Chapters