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Catholicism, Matthew 16:18
Victor M. Eskew
One of the focal points of Catholicism is the popery. The pope occupies the position of God’s
representative on earth to Catholics.
This single, human head makes laws and rules to be obeyed by all Roman
Catholics. The pope’s decrees
supposedly come from God Himself.
The Catholic Church claims that the position of pope has always
existed. They assert that Peter was
the very first pope of the Church.
One verse they use to “substantiate” this claim is Matthew 16:18. In the passage, Jesus is speaking to
Peter, and says: “And I say also
unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus said He was going to build His
church upon a rock. Since the name
“Peter” means “rock,” the Catholics claim that the church was built upon
Peter. He, therefore, becomes its
foundational stone. As such, surely
he was the head of the church in the first century.
In order to answer this teaching, we need to stay in the context. Jesus had asked His disciples: “Whom do men say that I the Son of man
am?” (Matt. 16:13). The response
was varied and wrong. Jesus, then,
posed the same question to the disciples:
“But whom say ye that I am?” (Matt. 16:15). In his usual, impetuous manner, Peter
answered: “Thou art the Christ the
Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16).
Jesus commended Peter’s words.
He acknowledged that they had been given to him from the Father in
heaven. It was at this point that
Jesus said He would build His church upon a rock.
In the Greek language, we find Jesus making a play upon words in His
declaration. Peter was the one who
made the good confession. His name
does mean “rock,” but he was not the rock upon which the church was to be
built. The word “Peter” is “petros”
in the Greek language. It means “a
piece of a rock.” The word “rock,” on
the other hand, is “
Peter was a great apostle, but he was only a man. He was not a rock large enough upon which the church could rest. Jesus, on the other hand, is a firm foundation. He is a worthy foundation because He is the Son of God. Those who have the church resting upon Peter have the church mounted upon a weak and unreliable foundation. Peter never occupied that position. He was just one apostle among twelve.