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The Seed Series
5 The One House
1. The House Prophesied
a. 2 Samuel 7:12-13
i. When After David is dead and gone
ii. Who A descendant of David
b. Isaiah 2:2-3
i. When The last days
ii. Where - Jerusalem
iii. Who All nations
iv. What The word of the Lord
2. The House Progressed
a. A candidate to build this house is Jesus (Luke 1:22-23)
b. We learn that this house is actually the church (1 Tim 3:15)
c. Jesus mentions building His church (Matt 16:18)
d. How With power (Mark 9:1)
e. The kingdom will come with power (Luke 24:49)
3. The House Produced
a. The apostles are in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4)
b. The power is defined as the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8)
c. The power comes on Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)
d. The word of the Lord is preached (Acts 2:16)
e. They are in the last days and David is dead (Acts 2:17. 29)
f. Jesus is involved in building the church (Acts 2:47)
4. The House Practiced
a. There is only one true house
i. Matt 7:24-27
1. The house on the rock
ii. Exodus 12:12-13
1. The houses with blood on the door posts
iii. Joshua 2:18-19
1. Only Rahabs home
iv. Ephesians 4:4
1. There is one body which is the church (1:22-23)